Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain Tandem

Johnny Walker
Chief Editor
13 September 2024 Updated on  Обновлено   14 September 2024

The tech world is in the hot debates around how artificial intelligence interacts with blockchain and what would be the effect of such cooperation. In this text, we will list three advantages of this interplay and tell how blockchain could affect AI.

AI and Blockchain interworking

Benefits of the technique interworking

1. Using blockchain, people will better realize how artificial intelligence actually ‘thinks.’ Before that, it had been hard enough to figure out what motivates AI to make whichever decision. It will be a lot easier to understand its logic. In contrast to humans, a machine can analyse and consider a plethora of parameters at a time. This is why lots of businesses have decided to employ artificial intelligence to fraud-check their systems. Though AI is well-trusted in this field, there are some situations where a human approach is vital. And this is where blockchain helps securely keep information provided by AI during the audit.

2. Blockchain is better controlled with artificial intelligence. Standard computers cannot address tasks they are not set. This seems to be very much a restraint compared to AI systems. Using simple servers for blockchain means involving a huge volume of computation power. However, AI helps solve such problems smarter. A cryptologist becomes more and more experienced with every single code they decrypt — the same works for AI: it learns on every task.

3. Artificial intelligence is tailored to handling code. Blockchain is history’s most secure technology, so one should not be worried about the data consistency. A tandem of these two techniques will allow for secure data processing, which would lead to emergence of reliable services. In-blockchain storage system’s key advantage is data encryption. To keep the data safe, just store the keys in a good place.

How would blockchain affect AI?

The data will enter the public market. AI systems are nothing without data, and data processing is what gives us the required information. And though tech giants regularly collect enormous volumes of data, they never endeavour to share or sell them. Today, the situation must change. A P2P concept used in distributed networks is called to equalise the parties. As blockchain is an open-source system, data will be available for everyone working with the system. This will establish an open data market.

The security level will be enhanced. A must in using AI-inspired systems is reliable protection of data. If done, the number of errors and financial disputes will be cut to the minimum. Intrinsically, AI is autonomous so it is not a tough thing to feed it with misleading data. Blockchain will significantly reduce the number of errors thanks to its substantial security and cryptography.

The data exchange process will be decentralized. Blockchain operates on decentralized nodes that jointly address problems the entire system faces. Artificial intelligence follows the similar line. When a machine is given a problem, it checks various solutions and methods. After all the possible options are considered, it will select the best one.

The data processing will be a large-scale action. AI can handle huge amounts of data at a time. Most often, strong artificial intelligence helps the system work with big data more efficiently. Blockchain can also do that, but it has another privilege: it never stores all the data in one place, which means they are more secure.

Blockchain affects Artificial Intelligence

Mutual complementation

A combination of might of these techniques is going to be an IT disruption: we will be able to store and control data like never before. Artificial intelligence and blockchain perfectly complement each other, together forming a product beneficial in any imaginable field.


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