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We ourselves, the Polygant company, acted as a client. We have been developing various mobile applications, including games, for a long time and the idea arose to develop our own mobile game. We set ourselves the goal of creating an application that will give the player an unforgettable experience of accumulating game money, completing various tasks and getting achievements for the best results.
This game was Tap Inc. Clicker.
Some technical, economic and logical aspects of the Tap Inc mobile game cannot be specified for security reasons.
At the first stage, our team started with an analysis of the current mobile games market, the needs of users, what they are interested in, what they play, what they like and don’t like, and much more. We conducted a fairly deep study of the market and identified for ourselves certain patterns and understanding of how to attract and interest the user. Our choice fell on the development of an Idle mobile game.
Idle games (aka clickers) are games that are entirely dedicated to managing revenue streams. Like simulations, they focus on making decisions that increase the user’s income in the game. Therefore, the next step was the development of technical specifications. During the development phase of the TK, we had to work hard on the economy of the game, as it was one of the most important and decisive factors on which the greatest further success of the game depends.
If the economic part of the game is built in the wrong way, then the user can, for example, quickly earn money, open all the achievements and quickly forget about the game. Or, if you make making money too difficult, then in the early stages of the game you can get a fairly large percentage of refusals from it. And in addition to the complex one, you also need to think over a system of achievements that will, among other things, motivate the user to receive them.
Based on all this information, it turns out that you need to find the very “golden mean” so that the game, starting from the very beginning and after a sufficient amount of playing time spent in it, remains interesting and makes the user want to continue playing it. This is a very important task, we spent more than one week working on it, but still we were able to understand where this “golden mean” is.
The third stage we started to develop the design of the game.
The visual component of the game is also an important factor, which is not much inferior in importance to its economy. After all, even if you have a perfectly designed economic part of the game, but the design leaves much to be desired, then it is unlikely that you will achieve great success with it and attract a large number of players. In addition to all this, it was also necessary to provide for beautiful, dynamic animation in the game.
Next, we proceeded to the direct development of the game itself. The application is focused on high loads, so during the development process we had to simulate a high load more than once, identify bottlenecks and find solutions to fix them. Our team has developed a sufficiently large number of high-load mobile applications, so we can professionally assess and identify bottlenecks in mobile applications, as well as develop them taking into account current security requirements.
As a result, we managed to develop a mobile game Tap Inc – a game for those who really love money! Tap the screen and earn money, they literally fall from the air! Buy businesses that will generate passive income when you are not playing. Develop, upgrade, create your own business, defeat the mafia and earn money even offline.
We have successfully completed the tasks set for ourselves to make a mobile game with a well-thought-out economy, a well-developed system of upgrades and obtaining achievements, as well as complying with the current security framework and withstanding a high load without any problems!